Academic Leadership Management Institute (ALMI)

Academic Leadership Management Institute

Early career tenure track faculty face challenging demands and expectations in a changing world. Our program is designed to to help early career faculty foster cultures of excellence in their research groups, while balancing their own career hurdles. We focus on foundational skills of working with other people in the unique academic environment in a way that is relentlessly practical and evidence-based, and that discipline-focused training often leaves unexplored or underdeveloped. For example, one under-considered challenge in the transition from graduate student or post-doc to faculty is setting appropriate personal and professional boundaries and internalizing becoming an authority figure for students and trainees–while still in probationary status and being mentored oneself.

Our programs provide a way to learn about and practice skills to build the confidence it takes for managing difficult personalities, conversations, and situations. 

For a sample of last year's cohort materials, please click here.

Interested in ALMI?

Questions about the Academic Leadership Management Institute (ALMI) should be directed to the contact below. 

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