RCR Education Materials


Our perspective on RCR education encompasses roles and responsibilities (who does what); best practice (essential elements of and common challenges to effective RCR training); resources to support faculty in delivering high-quality RCR education; and recommended formats and frequency.

Featured Resources

NCPRE active learning exercises

The collection of role-play scenarios for the teaching of central topics in the responsible conduct of research to graduate students and Two-Minute Challenge (2MC) Exercises developed by NCPRE.

Contributed Resources

Resources for academic instruction and professional training through fictional case studies and commentaries, role plays, and tools for formative assessment

Tools for developing programs on responsible conduct of research for postdocs

The list of some case studies for use in teaching ethics across many professions and disciplines.

The writing and discussion prompts meant to encourage open-ended, thoughtful, and reflective dialogue about RCR on Authorship.