Elizabeth A. Luckman

Elizabeth A. Luckman
Elizabeth A. Luckman
Director of Leadership Programs

Elizabeth A. Luckman is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Business Administration at the Gies College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she also serves as the Academic Director of the Management Major.

Professor Luckman is the Director of Leadership Programs at the National Center for Principled Leadership & Research Ethics, Coordinated Science Laboratory, Grainger College of Engineering, UIUC. Previously, she was Senior Academic Advisor, and Senior Researcher in Leadership and Executive Development at NCPRE. She graduated with a BA, cum laude, in Classical Civilization and English Literature from Wellesley College, and holds an MBA, with honors, from The Ohio State University. Luckman earned her PhD in Business Administration, Organizational Behavior concentration, at Washington University in St. Louis.

Her key academic interests include leadership and teams, ethical decision-making, organizational integrity, problem-solving, and management education. Luckman also holds a leadership coaching certificate from The Doerr Institute for New Leaders at Rice University that supports the twin goals of her clinical practice: cultivating leaders, and empowering individuals to successfully navigate the human dimensions of organizations. Her philosophy is grounded in the belief that individual growth is crucial to leadership development, ethical work cultures, and organizational progress.

Dr. Luckman’s work at NCPRE includes: program development and delivery promoting the growth of principled leaders for the research university of the future, in collaboration with the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore; leadership curriculum development, in collaboration with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, focused upon leaders and cultures of excellence in the research lab; and the development and facilitation of leadership workshops for academic units both inside and external to UIUC.
